DevLog – Q&A #3

Hello community,

today we answer more of your questions. We often get asked, when or if certain functions/features are planned. Unfortunately we can’t give you exact dates for that, but in the future we can give you information about certain features, e.g. if they are planned or not.

Please post your questions in this specially opened thread in the forum:

the MBB team

#1: Will there be different kinds of soil cultivation?

Implement classes like plow or seeding bed combinations will have different impacts on the soil later on.

#2: Will there be different fertilizers and sprays?

It is planned that the sprayer can be filled with water. It can then be mixed with the agent of choice, which has been added manually. The different agents then have varied effects on the soil and the plants, depending on their ingredients. This way, different fertilizers and sprays can be offered for differing purposes and diseases.

#3: Will there be a realistic gearshift like the Gearbox Mod for example?

More options for the gearbox are planned. Besides the automatic mode there will also be hydrostatic and manual gearboxes (with switch interruption and double-clutch …). The clutch pedal of your steering wheels won’t be useless forever 😉

#4: What kinds of animal husbandry will there be?

Until V1, fattening and breeding is planned, maybe even milk, if we have enough time. You’ll be able to decide, which kind of shed you want to have, e.g. fattening, bulls, slurry cellar. Depending on how you feed and care for the animal, you’ll get different qualities in the end. But for this we first need the building site system and a building menu.

#5: Will you be able to give the workers the task to cultivate multiple fields in a row?

This feature is under development, together with the assignment of multiple workers to one field, and will make it into the game with one of the next versions.

#6: Will there be a tramline function?

A drive aisle function will come. The goal is also for the employee to set it and use it for crop protection and fertilizing, which makes the whole topic a bit more sophisticated.

#7: Will the worker be able to compress the silo?

After the silo system has been reworked, the worker will also be able to compress silos.

#8: Will you be able to overload the trailers?

Overloading should be possible later on. If it’s the case, a heap will be created on the ground with the according fruit type and the according amount.

#9: Will it be possible to couple the Lacotec with the Claas?

Theoretically, all Claas cutting units and implements that have this attacher joint type can be attached to the Lacotec.

#10: Is Drivecontrol planned?

Parts of the Drivecontrol mod are already present in CnC, like the shuttle mode or all-wheel. More functions, drive and control aids will follow.

#11: When will multithreading be supported?

Multithreading is already being used. The physics engine, the plant growth and some functions of the worker are running in the background on separate threads to prevent waiting time or lags in the game loop.

#12: Will you have an enter/exit animation?

When we find the time to address the animations, there will also be an enter/exit animation.

#13: Will the Cropmaster 3000 be in the game with the release of the crop update?

We don’t know if the CropMaster 3000 will be in the game from the get-go. It could be that we just use a HUD first until the functionalities for the direct control at the console are programmed and ready.

#14: What will happen regarding the driving physics?

The driving physics are continuously improved. The current state can be seen as technical prototype. In the medium and long run we want to achieve that the respective vehicles and tractors continue to feel more realistic. That means we are mainly going to work on the vehicle settings and the motor and transmission data. A simulation of the tire pressure will follow soon. The plainest change will presumably be adjustment of the ground physics on fields, mud and/or sludge.

#15: Is the rent functionality going to be enhanced concerning its display?

This will be improved at the appropriate time since there are still more options, like leasing for example. But in order to do this we need a more detailed finance system. The display in the UI is also going to be improved.

#16: Are UserActions going to be included in vehicles as well?

It is planned to enable the controls via the display of the vehicle as well, but this is going to take a while longer.

#17: Is the vegetation density going to get more nuances?

Both existing stages are going to be further optimized, more stages could then also be possible.

#18: What about a mobile mill?

This is planned but a little way back on our ToDo list.

#19: Will there be older tractor models in the game?

For the time being we confine ourselves on a newer vehicle fleet. When everything is covered there, older cult objects or modern era classics (youngtimer) could be possible. Which brands or models this could be we can’t tell. We hope that the modders will release the one or other treasure.

#20: Will vehicles be configurable?

An accessory shop is planned. Equipment, wheels or weights are also planned to be configurable.

#21: Will there be a function for multiple vehicles to drive behind one another and/or follow each other?

The “walk in single file” is planned, currently we can’t say when this is going to be implemented. At the moment is can be tested via the console command followVehicle.

#22: Will it be possible to chop the crops?

Chopping crops will also be possible. The fitting cutting unit will be implemented in the course of the crop phase.

#23: Is there going to be a fast agricultural truck or Unimog?

Something along those lines is planned but we can’t say what or when at the moment.

#24: Will there be a worker functionality via keystroke?

Yes, this will come, a short pressing of the key activated the worker which immediately starts. In addition to that we are creating a task in the background with all existing things like driver, machine and field.When you want to start the worker and press the key for longer, you are directed to the task and are able to edit it. We are planning that the worker recognizes, which parts of the field already have been cultivated by the player and that he divides his field lanes accordingly.

#25: When do we get a (basic) instruction to CnC?

We want to discuss this topic with you in the forum in the near future, some of you already have created some things, in the area of PDFs for example. The second step is a Wiki, directly in CnC. Within it, all explanations are summarized with texts, pictures and videos for different parts of CnC like agriculture, modding etc.

#26: Will you implement crisis situations like diseases and illnesses?

Catastrophes and diseases for the fields, plants, animals, machines and employees are planned.

#27: Will it be possible to define multiple key bindings?

We have a concept for a double binding of keys with modifiers. In conjunction with a gamepad this will clearly improve the steering.

#28: Can you place a heap next to the silos, so loading is easier?

A static heap next to the silos wouldn’t be nice, but maybe there will later be alternatives for the telescopic handler like a small ramp.

#29: Is there going to be a sound for entering/exiting?

The Early Access version only includes the necessary sounds. We already have had different appointments for sound recordings and collected the according amount of material. You can look forward to a more realistic and varied sound setting.

#30: Is the worker going to get a pause function?

Another worker HUD is planned that shows, which worker is where at the moment and what his status is. In addition there shall be more functionalities per worker that are controllable via buttons, among those a pause function.

#31: Will there be an option, that the camera rotates in the according direction when steering with a keyboard?

This is planned and will then be adjustable in the options. The camera should then also rotate automatically backwards when driving backwards.

#32: Will you be able to cover the silos with cover sheeting?

We will implement this in the course of the EA phase – filling, rolling, covering and fermenting.

#33: How much further will the farmhouse be extended?

We will add to the objects and the rooms.

#34: Will important points/points of interest be marked on the global map?

In the menu you can see the first overview. When you hover over the marks, an info text is displayed. You can now also set waypoints and approach them with the auto pilot.

Cattle and crops

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