Status Update 25 Jan 2019

Welcome to the new Cattle and Crops year 2019!
We’re starting off the year by working on the 0.5.0 update, with emphasis on difficulty settings, UI and gamepad controls. As always, this update will include bug fixes.

Our main focus for the next update will be the improvement of the game’s accessibility. Part of that is reworking the gamepad controls in order to be able to control all aspects of the game – something that, according to a lot of feedback we’ve received, will come in handy for many of you. Concurrently with this we’re updating the UI for better gamepad support.

In order to be able to offer a better introduction to the game, we’re drafting a handful of new tutorials. We’ll let you know at a future time when these will be available. Simultaneously we’re fixing and improving the translations, which also led to separating the unit settings (metric vs. imperial) from the language selection. In addition to that we’re extending difficulty levels.

We don’t have an exact date for the update, yet, but are planning with a February release.

Last but not least some organisational news: starting this month, Cattle and Crops has a new Community Manager: please welcome RolliS2k to his new post. We wish Memphis all the best for the future, and thanks for his time with us. General support will continue at [email protected].

All the best, have a good weekend, — The guys from MBB

cattle and crops

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